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Reaction Vs Response in Pediatric Dentistry

Reaction and response are two different terms, though they are more than commonly used interchangeably.

Biologically speaking, reaction is a chemical process where diverse natured reactants come together to form a product which is completely different in nature. Whereas response is an action that comes from the matured space in head and heart. This originates after the proper understanding of conscious and right information.

In any situation, reaction or response is a choice present to us.  The primal brain or the hunter gatherer brain generally wants to pick on the fear-provoking information and triggers an action which is most quick, unthought off and un-comprehended. Reactions often involve strong emotions such as anger, rejection, crying, running away from the situation.

Response is based on the well understood information. It can come after a while, as a matured action. Right information is the key. Responses are deliberate, measured and rational.

Same thing when applied to pediatric dentistry, determines how a child will respond in the chair. During the pre-procedure appointment, it’s important to give details of each step.

Parents can be educated through brochures, videos and online links in regard to the steps of the upcoming appointment, so that they can also actively reinforce the guidance pf pediatric dentist. This certainly adds up to the understanding and confidence of the child. The information given should be of the highest order, structured and addressed as per the age of the child. The intention is to give the information so well, that it can be understood and used to create a positive dental experience.  

With all the information and awareness, children will be able to respond and cope better during their checkup or treatment appointments. This helps to suffice the prime foundational goal of pediatric dentistry which is to instill positive dental attitude for lifetime.