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Child Development Psychology
Reaction and response are two different terms, though they are more than commonly used interchangeably. Biologically speaking, reaction is a chemical process where diverse natured reactants come together to form a product which is completely different in nature. Whereas response is an action that comes from the matured space in head and heart. This originates...
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As the year begins to close, we all naturally incline towards reflections. These reflections are more about love, growth, being brave, fearlessness and the unbreakable bonds. Love remaining the core of our human experience. As we reflect on love, let’s remember the wisdom of Rainer Maria Rilke: “Love consists of this: two solitudes that meet, protect,...
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Its a natural tendency for the parents to offer comfort and ease to the child when they are in the dental chair especially when it comes to treatment appointments. In the process of comforting the child, parents do tend to say sentences like: It’s not going to hurt. It’s not painful. There is no needle....
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It’s important to differentiate between the two most common terms that carry information: noise and a signal. ‘Noise’ is a term used for continuous download of information which is on autopilot mode when we are amidst almost 8 billion people on the planet earth.  The technical definition of noise refers to it as irregular fluctuations...
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From the background of Child Development Psychology, it is known that 82% of the child’s brain is developed by the age of 7 years. Any experiences that happen before and during this time frame do have a deep impact on the long term. Fear of the unknown is always the root cause of any fear....
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There may not appear to be an obvious surface level correlation between the child’s dental appointment and the child development psychology. However, on the deeper levels, understanding of the child development psychology forms the foundation of the behavioral science, which then broadly determines the coping abilities of children in any challenging environment. This science helps...
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In the science of Neurolinguistic Programming, FEAR is described as an acronym for “False Evidence appearing Real”. At times, fear of the unknown or negatively experienced situation can be so deep rooted that it can get irrationally triggered in unreal situations. Biologically it has been proven that gut bacteria can store information and experience both...
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