Fear is an acronym for “False evidence appearing real”. Children or adults may behave differently when they are in state of fear but their actions are not the definitions of their personality. NLP is the scientific tool that teaches us to respond constructively to any fear. We learn to look into our fears as external...Read More
Laser Pediatric Dentist at Dr. Michael’s Dental Clinic. Gulf News speaks to Dr.Imneet Madan, Tell us how Michael’s Clinic has helped you retain your leading position as a distinguished laser NLP pediatric dentist for over a decade? My inceptive navigation towards introducing lasers in routine dentistry was to be able to avoid the use of...Read More
Erbium Lasers in Co-COVID Dentistry. Times have remodeled distinctly with the unprecedented outbreak of a microbe that currently appears beyond control and each one of us is in the invisible circle of vulnerability. The full impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the medical or dental community and in general remains uncalculated. The dental practice has...Read More