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Dentistry for adults and Dentistry for children do have loads of commonalities such as teeth, habits, anxiety, fillings, cavities, sugar intake, root canals, extractions, etc. In addition, another main commonality is the materials and techniques used in both cases. So what’s different? Pediatric dentistry is one of the streams of specialities that one may choose...
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Neurolinguistic programming , NLP is a science that helps us understand the difference that makes a difference. This science comprises of variety of skills that range from manual for the mind to a tool box of techniques. In very simple words, NLP helps us open up our frames to understand people and situations better, to...
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Laser assisted dentistry is an expensive practice not only for the provider but also for the end receiver. It makes all the sense when we do take the necessary steps to modify this practice for the mutual benefit of all. Six sigma is the “Quality Assurance Strategy”, that helps reconstitute the existing business in the...
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Orthotropics, is the field of dentistry that deals with the growth modification. The need for orthotropic therapy surfaces when there is diagnosis of para functional habits such as habitual mouth breathing. Taping test for lip seal, Sleep studies, ENT check ups all come into picture as and when required. Orthotropics is a vast field on...
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Dental caries (cavities) in Primary teeth (baby teeth) is not the single governing factor leading to compromised health of permanent teeth. Cavities are caused due to multiple reasons; poor oral hygiene and diet being the most common ones. When a young child develops a cavity or multiple cavities and is left untreated for a long...
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Its not uncommon to believe that “Breathing is Natural”. It just happens and there is nothing we need to care about. “Breathing is natural” but “Act of Breathing” is an Art that contributes to better living. Buteyko Breathing method originated in Russia and travelled a major part of the globe teaching and training people about...
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It is quite often that we come across situations where young children get cavities that are deep seated leading to infection in the third layer i.e. nerve or pulp of the tooth. In these scenarios, child may complain of pain, discomfort and swelling in the gums. On clinical evaluation, it may appear as swelling or...
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Profound and long standing untreated decays in children’s teeth can progress deep into the root canals of baby teeth and thereby lead to infections or abscess. The most common treatment suggested for such teeth is to extract and place a space maintainer. With the contemporary approach of Erbium and Diode lasers in Pediatric Dentistry, Root...
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A very common concern with the parents is children having cavities at young age despite the fact that they have been brushing regularly. We understand that dental cavities is multi factorial disease that originates primarily due to lack of oral hygiene combined with other common factors such as high sugar diet and many more. It...
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Sometimes it’s a matter of fun, and at other times, a matter of concern, when it comes to the first dental appointment for the young kids. First visit protocols are simple and designed to connect with the right age frames. In general, these visits are intended to have complete check up, evaluate the number of...
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