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Early Years Foundation Stage

Early Years Foundation stage is an education that helps the caregivers to guide and educate young preschool children with tools to assist their psychological development.

The two key points that are in picture are Resilience and Self efficacy.

Resilience is the ability of the child to overcome huddles of any sort, let it be physical, psychological, or emotional.  Though the distinction between the types of huddles is oblivious to a young mind, yet in their formative years they start getting prepared with coping mechanisms in right manner.

Self-efficacy means the children are given an “I Can” or confident attitude, that gives them the privilege to voice their queries and concerns and get the needful help.

When these educational tools get combined and are incorporated in pediatric behavior management, children can comprehend and follow instructions in the right manner.

This leaves the children with positive dental experience and hence positive dental attitude for lifetime.