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Are cookies and candies the only reason for cavities?

Dental caries is a multi-factorial disease where in some factors are under our control and some such as anatomical, physiological, genetic and few others that are beyond our control.

Diet imbalance, frequent snacking, and compromised oral hygiene that includes improper brushing and inconsistent or no flossing; are the most known factors that are under the control of an individual. Since these factors can be brought under the guided and voluntary control, they are indeed the most discussed ones.

Oral hygiene and dietary guidance are indeed very important components of routine dental care consultations. From eons of time, sugar intake has been directly regarded as the prime cause of dental cavities. When it comes to the science of health and nutrition, it is important to know that sugar is both processed and non-processed.

Processed sugar forms like candies and cookies that are not only high in glucose content but are also sticky and retentive in consistency, are indeed cavity causing.

At the same time, frequent intake of fruits, and other processed or non- processed forms such as slice of bread/ pasta/ rice/ chips/ raisins/ berries can also lead to cavities. Frequency of intake plays a crucial role in this process.

If the child is consuming small nibbles of any type of food throughout the day, even if its highest in its nutritional benefits, the high frequency of intake will always cause frequent bacterial attack that produces acid which then keeps the mouth at lower ph/ high acidic levels. This acid can then lead to breakdown of enamel thereby initiating the formation of cavities.

The advice to be given at this point is to observe the frequency of eating, mainly follow a regime of three main meals and two healthy snacks in between, with guided brushing twice in a day, mouthwash may be once and flossing once a day. This should also be supported with mouth rinsing and/ or drinking water after any solid or liquid intake.

In conclusion, as an answer to the question in title, candies and cookies are not the only enemies, but most importantly it’s the frequency of eating, improper brushing and lack of flossing that are the main causes of cavities in children.