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Impact of backlog information on Coping ability

In the science of Neurolinguistic Programming, FEAR is described as an acronym for “False Evidence appearing Real”. At times, fear of the unknown or negatively experienced situation can be so deep rooted that it can get irrationally triggered in unreal situations.

Biologically it has been proven that gut bacteria can store information and experience both of our own and those that had been transferred from close knit people around us. These close-knit people generally are parents, peers, or society. 

When this information stays long enough and keeps getting reinforced, it becomes integral part of our gut that over the time transforms into our psyche.

Gut instinct also can be broadly referred to as Psyche. It is an intuitive and intelligent tool in human psychology which does provide some indication of the forthcoming, but it cannot define it with 100% accuracy.

The beauty of gut bacteria is that they keep imbibing new information all the time.  Positive experiences shared will help us create positive psyche that can help the individual cope better in stressful situations.  Same applies when it comes to dental appointments.

If the child had been exposed to any negative experiences previously, a continual reinforcement of new information, new inputs will help replace the previous impressions and hence develop alter experience.  The alter experience is what changes the intuitive responses and hence starts modifying the actual response in the physical realm.

 Conscious input of new information is the key in this process and should be followed with diligence. The more we keep giving positive inputs, the more we can expect positive cooperation from the child not only in dental environment, but in general life situations as well.