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Understanding Children’s Behavior


Children’s behavior or human behavior in general seems to many just as it is visible on the surface. Knowledge of NLP helps us peel off multiple layers that may overlay our true nature like the layers of onion peel. The real truth is always beneath the surface, in deeper layers where understanding of NLP works.

“Iceberg NLP model” is an eye opener when it comes to understanding the psychology behind hows and whys of a particular behavior pattern.

Our conscious mind is only 10 % of our complete brain system. 90% of our behavior is rooted in the subconscious mind. Whatever information we gather in terms of social media, books, talking to people, visual experiences, social interactions, our past beliefs, our past experiences, these are all embedded in the 90% of our subconscious brain. This is the actual origin and the foundation of how we behave, think, speak, act and perform.

When it comes to understanding behavior patterns, if its fear accompanied with resistance and anger, we need to understand the past beliefs attached to this. Framing right set of statements, directions and questions can lead us into the information which can help us to build the rapport. Once there is a comfortable rapport built up, children connect better and hence they are able to follow instructions in trust.

NLP Iceberg model, broadens our filters and opens up our compassionate fronts. We are able to empathize with the child as we see all negative behaviors in the light of depleting emotions they are rising from. Instead of then focusing only on the surface behavior we explain, talk and reassure to address the true emotion.

Neurolingusitic programming tools guide us that it is not necessary to come to conclusion and judge rapidly. Wisdom of NLP functions at slower pace, that allows deep breathing both to the practitioner and the child in picture. We listen to the details expressed by the child, we feel the emotion, we see the behavior and then decide subtly on the way that can work for the child.

Some children start to cope well just by calm, composed and understanding conversation. Some others, may require Nitrous Oxide Conscious sedation, and some may still land up at the hospital under general anesthesia.

NLP is friendly tool that essentially helps us keep relations that once sorted, for life time.

It contributes to strong dentist child relation. At the end of the day, human heart always craves for love, acknowledgement and genuine care. NLP brings down our guard of ego and prejudice so that we can function in our best professional capacity and see real people beyond their visible/ invisible peels.