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December 5, 2024
Gifts and rewards are always appreciated by anyone and everyone. When the children perform well during their dental visit, which means, they follow the instructions and cope well during the treatment, they get rewarded at the end. The gestures such as praise, applaud, hugs and pictures can create a beautiful memory of the visit to...
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In the science of Neurolinguistic Programming, FEAR is described as an acronym for “False Evidence appearing Real”. At times, fear of the unknown or negatively experienced situation can be so deep rooted that it can get irrationally triggered in unreal situations. Biologically it has been proven that gut bacteria can store information and experience both...
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Structure of human brain is complex and magnificent, to an extent that the flexibility of the neurons is still beyond the scope of complete comprehension. No wonder, its addressed as the highest form of creation equipped with extraordinary potential. Amygdala is the part of human brain that is trained to alert us of any kind...
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